Updated on 07.06.2021
1. What will change with the ISS?
2. What is considered a “COVID-19 situation”?
3. What is a “Clean & Safe” stamp?
4. Do I need to wear a mask at some point in the ISS facilities?
5. Do I need to wear a mask during the surf lessons?
7. Are you going to measure my temperature?
8. Is the surf equipment going to be disinfected after used?
9. Is it safe to surf and take lessons?
10. How is the COVID-19 situation in Portugal and specifically in Sagres?
11. What are the Portuguese Health Authorities (DGS) recommendations?
12. Do I need to wear a mask all the time?
13. Is it allowed to go to the beaches?
1. What will change with the ISS?
We are aware that the pandemic situation may cause uncertainties and fears among travellers so we made some changes in our policy in order to provide you a stress free booking:
Free cancellations (due to Covid-19 situations)
Full change of booking dates
Full refund (if there are cancellations due to Covid-19 situations)
Online check-in
Check-out time 10am, check-in time 4pm
In order to keep you safe we also implemented preventive procedures at the surf camp, rentals, beach transfers and surf lessons.
We received the “Clean & Safe” stamp which classifies us as a safe surf school and accommodation.
The Surfcamp was split in 3 apartments in order to avoid contact between guests.
In this option there’s no breakfast available.
The surf lessons will have up to 6 students per surf teacher (instead of the usual 8) in a single 2 hours session.
After the lesson we will leave the beach immediately.
The beach transfers will be limited while this pandemic situation takes place. Please consider that we may not be able to make transfers from/to Burgau this season and other locations different from Sagres.
We advise everyone to rent a car for the holiday and follow us to the beach.
2. What is considered a “COVID-19 situation”?
For cancellations, dates changes or refunds, we will consider a “COVID-19 situation” every time a flight is cancelled, someone is considered a suspicious Covid-19 case or tested positive or even some specific situation caused by the pandemic.
3. What is a “Clean & Safe” stamp?
Considering the widespread concern in the resumption of economic and social activity as soon as the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic allows, Turismo de Portugal created a “Clean and Safe” stamp of approval to distinguish tourist activities which are compliant with hygiene and cleaning requirements for the prevention and control of COVID-19 and other possible infections.
As of April 24, tourism enterprises, tourist entertainment companies and travel agencies, companies that have an official registration with the National Tourist Authority, will be able to request certification as a “Clean and Safe” establishment. After companies have submitted the Declaration of Commitment, they can publicise the “Clean and Safe” stamp, either physically on their premises or in their digital platforms.
With this measure, Turismo de Portugal intends to inform companies on the hygiene requirements and cleaning measures to ensure the safety of various establishments, according to the recommendations of the DGS - Directorate-General for Health, as well as promoting Portugal as a safe destination from the point of view of care with the spread of the Virus, reinforcing the confidence of those who visit the country.
This validation is free and optional and is valid for one year. It will require the implementation of an internal protocol that will ensure the necessary hygiene measures to avoid risks of contagion and guarantee safe procedures for the operation of tourist activities. Turismo de Portugal, in coordination with the competent entities, will carry out audits of establishments that join this “Clean and Safe” initiative.
4. Do I need to wear a mask at some point in the ISS facilities?
Yes, if you need to go inside to our sales office, you’ll need to wear a mask. Although, most of the operations (including payments) can take place outside.
Yes, if you take the transfer with us, in our vans. In this case the mask use is mandatory.
At the surf lodge: in the apartment with your family and friends, you don’t need to wear it. At some point, if you mixed with some other guests (indoors) it will be needed. Outdoors, it is not necessary but maintaining social distancing is highly recommended.
5. Do I need to wear a mask during the surf lessons?
No, at the beach you won’t need to wear a mask. If you choose to wear one, please note the disposable ones are not appropriate for water sports (to be wet) and won’t be safe any longer.
6. Does ISS provide masks?
Yes, we’ll provide a free disposable mask for each person / day lesson when required.
7. Are you going to measure my temperature?
No, we won’t measure our students’ / guests' temperature but it is extremely important that each person is aware of their own physical condition and chooses to not show up in case of suspected symptoms related to COVID-19. If you want to measure your temperature, we are available to do it with our infrared thermometer.
In order to provide everyone’s safety we measure the temperature of all ISS staff members, including surf teachers, on a daily basis.
8. Is the surf equipment going to be disinfected after used?
Yes, each time the wetsuits, surf boards and rash guards are used in the surf lessons or rented, they will be washed and disinfected by the ISS staff, with proper products.
9. Is it safe to surf and take lessons?
There’s no evidence that SARS-COV-2 is able to survive in sea water. Also the beach environment as the high temperatures and healthy fresh air seems to be safe.
The surf lessons are also considered safe as long as everyone respects the main indications as the distance between students and instructor.
10. How is the COVID-19 situation in Portugal and specifically in Sagres?
Currently the situation in Portugal seems to be controlled and with a low transmission rate.
Also the population vaccination process is running according to the plan.
To see the situation in Portugal or specific areas as Sagres (in Vila do Bispo), click here (https://covid19.min-saude.pt/ponto-de-situacao-atual-em-portugal/)
11. What are the Portuguese Health Authorities (DGS) recommendations?
Please click here.
12. Do I need to wear a mask all the time?
No, the mask is only mandatory in closed public spaces as: public transports, supermarkets and shops and all establishments with the indication in the door.
13. Is it allowed to go to the beaches?
Yes, it is allowed to go to the beaches.
The rules and recommendations will be updated in real time on the “InfoPraia” app (available in English) and in the Enviromentem Agency (APA) https://apambiente.pt/_zdata/DESTAQUES/2021/EpocaBalnear2021/Manual_Epoca_Balnear_2021.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0P7QTo3-VW8CVCbNyKjfZDsVX4Sda57PX0Z-IVjPPRlehuE7XDI95azxc